Friday, 16.03.2018 - PAF I, sala 22 - UFBA Campus Ondina

América Latina en el contexto global - Hacia una transformación Social-Ecológica de la región

Like other parts of the world, Latin America is experiencing multiple crisis: The present way of life and our economic model is not sustainable in the long term, as it relies on the exploitation of finite resources, high levels of emissions, and a singular focus on economic growth accompanied by excessive consumption and an unacceptable absence of distributive justice making Latin America the most unequal region in the world.

Like other parts of the world, Latin America is experiencing multiple crisis: The present way of life and our economic model is not sustainable in the long term, as it relies on the exploitation of finite resources, high levels of emissions, and a singular focus on economic growth accompanied by excessive consumption and an unacceptable absence of distributive justice making Latin America the most unequal region in the world. Faced with the environmental, social, and economic challenges, it is necessary that the region explores alternatives approaches to socio-economic developments that meet the needs of the majority of the population and provide access to basic services while also modifying patterns of production and consumption to conserve the environment and natural resources and mitigate the effects of climate change. 

The panel will present different perspectives on the conditions and possibilities of a socio-ecological transformation in Latin American, analyzing the global dependencies of the region and opportunities for a sustainable diversification. 


Alfonso Iracheta – Director General del Centro EURE del Colegio Mexiquense

Álvaro Cálix – Escritor e investigador social Doctor en Ciencias Sociales

Vivianne Ventura-Días – Ex Directora del Área de Comercio e Integración de la CEPAL

The three panelists are members of the FES’ regional working group on socio-ecological transformation in Latin America.