Thursday, 15.03.2018 - PAF I, sala 110 - UFBA Campus Ondina

Justicia Tributaria corporativa ya! Desarrollo y justicia social solo son posibles si las TNCs pagan su parte

Fiscal policy is a key for development and social inclusion. Progressive tax systems are required in order to strengthen governments‘ financial capacity. However, reality looks quite different.

Fiscal policy is a key for development and social inclusion. Progressive tax systems are required in order to strengthen governments‘ financial capacity. However, reality looks quite different. The figures that lie behind the erosion of national tax bases are alarming. A significant part of this erosion arises from tax evasion and avoidance by transnational corporations (TNCs). Most affected are the countries in the Global South.

We want to discuss the consequences of tax evasion and avoidance by TNCs and the impact of Illicit Financial Flows on the Global South; debate the scope of current reform proposals; and discuss ways in which the global civil society can drive appropriate campaigns.




María Regina Paiva Duarte, Instituto Justicia Fiscal, Brazil

Dereje Alemayehu, Global Alliance for Tax Justice, Africa

Luis Moreno, Red Latinoamericana sobre Deuda, Desarrollo y Derechos